10 Signs of Authentic Intuition

1. Intuition is a whisper – not a shout.

True intuition will not compete to be heard – it simply is. It is a feeling, a nuance, an inkling, a subtle knowingness that is always accessible but not always acknowledged. The speed of life has a lot to do with your ability to understand and work with your inner wisdom. Chances are that if your intuition is shouting at you, it’s time to acknowledge that that light really is the oncoming train.

2. There is a sense of calmness and certainty in the intuitive awareness.

While it isn’t always easy to trust intuition at first (mostly because that isn’t a generally accepted practice of socialization in our formative years), there is a feeling of confidence in the intuitive insight. Authentic intuition just feels right when it is.

3. Your body experiences “breathing” in all ways.

When we are in a state of fear, stress, confusion or indecision, our bodies are tight, our breathing is shallow, and we can be distracted. Experiencing our authentic intuition leads to a release of that heavy or constricted sensation. When our intuition gives us the information or answer that is needed, we feel a particular lightness, a freshness, a sense of breathing again – literally.

4. It seems like your “life glass” just got cleaned.

The world is brighter and cleaner, shapes are sharper, even smells seem sweeter. Your intuitive insight has gifted you with clarity; the distractions to appreciating your world are gone. Your vision and your senses are connected again to the world outside of you due to your intuitive direction.

5. The solution feels easy and natural.

When your intuition gives you a genuine answer, there is a gentle and relaxed energy. This guidance can feel like permission or maybe even forgiveness. The insight is personal and you know it to be true like you know being your own gender – completely natural in sync with who you are at your essence. When it is authentic intuition, the message is effortlessly just for you.

6. True intuition will not harm you (or anyone else for that matter!).

Your inner wisdom is a compass guiding you toward what is in your best interest at all times. It is impossible for authentic intuition to share space with negativity or malicious intention. Intuition serves only your best and highest good. Your intuition may direct you to do something that you may not want to do, but that is ultimately helping you. For example, it may be time to release a relationship, which may hurt either party, but overall, it is a disservice to prolong a relationship that has served its purpose. The healthy cycle of life (birth, living, dying) is inherent in every part of life, and is inexorably linked with every phase of our lives – including intuition. The bottom line – bad things don’t come from good intuition!

7. The intuitive insight conveys creativity in being.

Sometimes intuition is baffling in what it communicates, which could be a symptom of not knowing your internal intuitive language, or it could be that you aren’t quite ready to assimilate that information. Intuition is amazingly creative, and yet perfectly simple. If something pops in seemingly from out of nowhere, but addresses exactly what is needed in a kind, gracious, undiluted and perhaps unfamiliar way, it is a message to be taken seriously.

8. Authentic intuition speaks in repetition.

Intuition often shows up as consistent messages, such as hearing a word or phrase, seeing it in a magazine, then passing a picture of that on a billboard. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. Many intuitive insights appear in dreams, when our conscious mind cannot censor the messages. Intuition will pass if you don’t listen, as it has no enforceable interest in being heard. Additionally, exercising free will in making choices overrides even the best intuition. However, if something shows up often for you, it is time to take notice. If you ignore an important intuitive message, it will show up again bigger and louder until you can’t miss it. (Much like the movie, Ground Hog Day…it’s a do-over until you get it right and graduate from the message!)

9. There is a sense of “flow” opening up in other ways.

The purpose of authentic intuition is to help pull you forward in being your best. It creates space for your life to move in a dynamic, positive way. Things will start lining up easily and effortlessly. There is a new sense of open energy, ready to receive what is being attracted to you. Authentic intuition is to your life what water is to an ocean – it is an integral, changing element that creates, reinvents and connects all parts of itself by being and “flowing”. When intuition is flowing, it’s likely that your life is too.

10. Manifestation blooms around you.

We are the creators of our life experiences. Intuition is a vital tool that illuminates all that is available to us in our relationship between our inner and outer worlds. Authentic intuition helps us to distill the bigger picture into something meaningful and accessible in our everyday lives. As a conscious creation instrument, intuition helps us manifest what we need and desire; upon connecting with authentic inner wisdom, you will know the power when you see (and acknowledge) the richness of what is manifesting around you.