What is the Purpose of Your Video? Making Your Boss Look Good…

Video SEO for Real EstateThe first consideration in using video for your real estate company is to consider the purposes of the videos:

1. Make the boss look good.

2. Impress sellers.

3. Promote your brand.

4. Drive visitors to your website.

5. Educate viewers on your unique value to them.

6. Thank clients and generate referrals.

1. Make the Boss look good.

This is fine and may be good for you, but probably won’t do a darn thing for the business unless:

A. Your broker has something valuable to say that differentiates the brokerage.

B. Your broker (or managers) will be a good “face” for the company in an active way on a variety of social media that makes them very accessible to consumers.

C. You take advantage of technology tools like the “Dialer” system I mentioned on the Marketing Directors’ Forum in Pittsburgh that would enable the broker to contact thousands of clients per month *personally* : )

Technical Notes

Doing it “in-house”? Not a bad idea because it will be cheaper and the real key is the content anyway which no one can do for you effectively.

A. Bad lighting ruins video. Use simple 3 point lighting or do this in a room that is brightly lit by outside lighting. The light on half of the “talent’s” face should be two times brighter than the light on the other half, so you’ll need to angle whoever is being filmed.

B. A Pro-sumer 3 chip camera will handle low lighting conditions but any digital camera rated “excellent” for low-lighting may do fine.

C. Audio. Get a high quality microphone…one of those little lapel ones should be fine.

D. Keep it between 1 and 3 minutes. A “Quick Tips” or “Insider Secrets” series would do well.

E. Varying locations just ads variety but be careful about the lighting.

Important Secret

High quality video production values do not necessarily mean a video will be further your business goals. Often times, “slick video” says to the consumer that someone spent a bunch of money to “sell me on something.” A bunch of casual videos with the broker showing off her personality in a way that builds their credibility and reinforces your brand will likely be more effective.

Next Post…How to Use Video to Impress Sellers and Win the Listing Every Time.

Hint! I’ll show you how to blast out a video on a property BEFORE your listing appointment so that video will dominate the first page of google when you go to the listing appointment.

Think a Single Property Listing page is cool? Discover how to use videos for SEO here…