
Travel Travel is to literally make a journey to a place outside of one’s…

Blended Families

Blended Families Blended Families are formed when parents and/or children…

Abusive Relationships

Abusive Relationships A relationship between two people that is characterized…


Zeitgeist Zeitgeist is a German phrase that references the ‘spirit’ of the…

You think water moves fast?

You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the…

The Hundredth Monkey

The Hundredth Monkey The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been observed…

For A Leader by John O'Donohue

For A Leader May you have the grace and wisdom To act kindly, learning To…

"My Law" by Tieme Ranapiri

“My Law” Written by Tieme Ranapiri and translated from Maori by Kere Graham.…