11 Items to Help You Create Teleseminar Content

Following is a general outline of what to use in creating your content for teaching a teleseminar.

1. Title

Begin with an attention-grabbing, outcomes and benefits-focused title. It should be less than 15 words, include who it is for and the benefits of taking the class.

Weak title: Own A Business
Strong title: Discover and Use Your Unique Life Purpose To Create Your Own Successful Soul-Driven Business

2. Intention

Know your intention for hosting the teleseminar; what do you want to come from it? Examples: get more clients, upgrade to another product/service, join your ezine list. This determines your emphasis during the call and call to action/upsell at the end of the teleseminar. Ask yourself the following questions to clarify your teaching intention/outcomes: What do you want to teach? What problem is your teleclass solving? What action do you want your students to take? What do you want to sell? How will you keep the attention of your students? How will you shake up their current beliefs? How will they remember the most important teaching points? What resources do you want your students to have and access?

3. Unifying Message

Know your unifying message and philosophy for the teleseminar. Example: it’s not only possible but it is one’s responsibility to discover our true life purpose and channel it into something greater than ourselves and that is the secret ingredient to a successful soul-driven business.

4. Topics

Determine three things you want your audience to know about your topic. Example: a life purpose comes from within and there is a freedom that happens when you are expressing who you really are, a sense of satisfaction and healthy contribution occurs with offering valuable products and services that people pay for, the key is to invest in your own evolution to understand yourself and grow your business.

5. Topic Relevancy

Identify why your topic is relevant to people right now. Examples: people want to do something more than a cubicle 9 – 5 job / they want to make a bigger difference while doing what they are here to do, they want to enjoy their lives more, they are burned out on ‘box’ systems that tell them what to do but don’t really support their individuality, process or intuition.

6. Common Problems

Identify three common problems that people experience that your solution addresses; for example, that entrepreneurs are spending a lot of time and energy on externally-based prescriptions to grow their businesses, when these solutions don’t work for them they run the risk of self-deprecating and self-sabotaging thinking, and they don’t know where to turn for support nor what to do next because it’s an emerging field and they’ve been burned. Or another angle: thinking that they have to have special credentials to own a business, not knowing their true life purpose and getting caught up in how to do it right, not believing that they can earn a living from who they are.

7. Recommended Solutions

Offer three specific tips or techniques to help people get past the most common problems, which might include changes in attitude, behavior or expectation. For example, they might invest in self-development (despite the economy) for greater insights and awareness, revise their marketing materials to be in alignment with their life purpose, and take the time to plan the convergence points of their purpose with their path for profits.

8. Success Stories

Identify two stories that you want to share about yourself and three stories you want to share about people who have worked with you. Include steps or strategies that have had a positive impact. Examples: what it was like the day I was laid off from a corporate job and decided to never again be at the mercy of someone else’s decision, the feeling I have from living my life’s purpose daily, how one client’s life completely turned around in all areas (including business) by understanding her true life’s purpose and taking action toward that, how one client got immediate clarity around issues that had been plaguing her for years and that insight created big momentum and dramatic positive results in her business, how one client determined that the business she thought she had wasn’t the business she was really interested in doing and was therefore able to switch to what would actually work for her very quickly with positive results.

9. Things About You

Name three things you want your audience to know about your expertise and experience. Examples: I have worked with more than 5,000 entrepreneurs since 1998, I don’t prescribe answers but instead help people to ‘get’ their own answers from within, I blend both the language of spirit with the language of business to help people launch and grow their businesses from where they are right now.

10. Paint Expectations

Name what you think people can do differently to create new results with specific recommendations. Examples: get beyond the day to day details and invest in their own personal evolution, take the time to evaluate what feels right for them instead of going through the motions, understand the direct correlation between who they are and the potential success of their business

11. Other Information

Include key distinctions as you go to help people follow the content easily and to help them understand more clearly; for example, soul-driven / conscious entrepreneuring vs. traditional entrepreneuring, life purpose vs. expectations. Develop five questions you can ask your students to help get their attention and to generate some discussion. Share any caveats for your listeners, such as: if you aren’t financially secure, don’t quit your day job yet and the people closest to you are likely to be hardest on you as you pursue business from this avant-garde perspective.

Have resources at hand, like quotes, words of wisdom, trends, facts, statistics, recommended books, videos, substantive content websites, etc. Check in with your audience to make sure they are still listening and to answer any questions; if someone asks a question that you’ve already covered, be gracious and answer again slightly differently, invite them to listen to the recording, or invite them to connect with you privately so you don’t lose other listeners.

Ask if there is anything that people would like to know about the topic that wasn’t covered so that you can refine your content for future presentation and/or connect afterward via email. Be sure to solicit comments and questions as well.

Take this information and plug into the Selling Teleseminar Outline (above). It is recommended to write out your notes in order, review them in advance, and share the outline with your co-host / introduction emcee in advance. Be sure all your website links are working before the call.