Give Now

Don’t tell me what you believe. Show me what you do and I’ll tell you what you believe. – Jerry Rubin

I was always into politics. That comes from reading a lot of history I suppose and my parents. One day nearing the end of my college years I was going off on the phone to my Dad about something in the news when he said, “Well stop going on about it and do something!”

So, when I graduated from college I didn’t go to law school and instead joined the AmeriCorps National Service Program. Thus began my 10 year career of working in non-profit organizations, or as one my brothers’ snidely put it, “Helping the children.”

Some 15 years and a son with Down syndrome and an adopted daughter later it’s little wonder I never went off to a big time legal or corporate career. There’s too much need in the world and too many interesting things to do. Giving or “giving back” constantly reminds me that I am extremely fortunate to have the life I do and lives up to Jesus’ words, “In as much as you’ve done it to the least of my brethren you’ve done it unto me.” Need some good karma or to hedge your spiritual bets? Here is what I support…

Reese’s Rainbow
National Adoption Center
Dr. Rick Hodes
Smile Train

In an attempt to leave my home office once in a while, I donate professional skills and my team’s time to non-profit, community organizations like:

Delaware County Special Olympics
WSSD Foundation
Wallingford Swim Club