7 Components for Creating Your Main Marketing Message

To create your main marketing message, consider the following as a rough script that you can follow for either a written or verbal marketing message.
1. Who you serve (determines the language you speak to your audience in, as well as defines focus of your solution)

2. Their challenge (the issue confronting your potential / current clients and why they are looking to hire you / find a solution)

3. The consequence they have from not having challenge handled (negative experience)

4. Your solution (simple, clear, easy to understand)

5. Benefits of your solution (not features / what / how – what they will actually get from working with you)

6. Timeframe (how fast they can expect results)

7. Credibility (why you are the best solution provider / your “secret sauce”)

I work with people who want to accelerate their personal evolution, access their innate wisdom and share it to express their highest purpose in the world through entrepreneuring. Often, the challenges facing such entrepreneurs include being ahead of the social curve with new and/or unexpected products and services, risking taking their special gifts and packaging them as a business product, as well as understanding their ability to move forward without feeling the security of enough resources, support and/or knowledge.

Naturally, that leads to these ‘soul-based’ entrepreneurs feeling a little on the outside of the norm socially, like they are good at a lot of things but can’t figure ‘this’ out for themselves which causes a destabilization from the “not knowing” feeling. What I do is teach and support these renaissance souls in knowing how to tap into their own inner wisdom, so they can innovate with extreme clarity. They handle their obstacles faster because they are ‘connecting their life dots’ as they go, and their lives fall into an amazing harmony as they live their personal alignment with their soul-driven purpose.

Dramatic shifts can occur in just one moment, which is all it takes for the insight to occur. Having worked with more than 5,000 entrepreneurs since 1998, I’ve seen time and time again that applying what is known in that one moment can create significant tangible business success very quickly, often as soon as the next 2 – 4 weeks.